
Hello! How are you? I hope you're bloody good. 

Following on from one of my rules last week - I thought I'd write a blog post! In all honesty - I've got quite a few on the go at the moment.I REALLY want to make something of my little piece on the internet. I love blogging - I love the whole community and reading blogs and it's so therapeutic for me to write. It's even more therapeutic to take a look back through old posts and see how I've changed and developed

So you may or may not have guessed it - but this post is all about the wonder that IS pureology. You may remember from back in this post that I've switched to sulphate and silicone free beauty.

Pureology has been the first shampoo and conditioner pairing I've tried and I've gotta say I'm pretty impressed. I first spotted it in the window of a salon in Kendal. I was on a story and it took everything in me not to go and get my hair sorted there and then.

There it was, sat in the window with a little sign. 'We are cruelty, silicon and sulphate free!' I couldn't believe it if I'm being honest. Of all the things I expect Cumbria to be, progressive in the beauty department is not one of them. Clearly I was very mistaken and was pleasantly proven very very wrong.

At 20 odd quid it's pretty expensive but of all the shampoos I've tried since, I'd say it's the closest to that salon treated quality we all love.

It's got a real shampoo-ey smell - I don't know how else to describe it. It's just not necessarily scented with all the wonders of floral and fruit - but it really smells like a real good shampoo.

I can't help but sniff my hair while I'm sat at my desk - much to the bewilder of my colleagues.

I really do love these products - they leave my hair feeling so soft and full. I went for volume because I have such flat fine hair but these bad boys really do the trick. I'd definitely recommend if you're willing to splurge on the price tag - or get your mum to buy them for your bday. (;

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