AESOP: Why I love the brand, but won't be using it again.

Aesop is one of those brands that I've adored for so long.

First spotted on all the 'cool-girl' Insta feeds, just one glimpse of the packaging and I knew I had to get my hands on some products - yes, I'm a marketing agents dream *eyeroll.

Aesop are a now global brand, born in Melbourne. They pride themselves on attention to detail and sustainability. They're passionate about their quality and they're proven to be a head above the rest when it comes to it!

I've loved them for about two years now, especially since I started paying more attention to the ethical manufacturing of my beauty products.

That's one of the best things about Aesop - as well as being totally lush and super cool, they're also a cruelty free brand - so you can lather your shampoo and rinse in confidence knowing that you're a friend to furry creatures.

I can whole-heartedly say, I love these products. Top of my recommendation list are the Primrose Facial Hydrating Cream and the Rose By Any Other Name Body Cleanser - they've been my go-to products for so long.

For Christmas, Frasers' Mum bought me their shampoo and conditioner for the first time. When I tore open the wrapping, the glee poured out of me in the form of a high pitched squeal only dogs could hear.

At £17 a pop they're bloody expensive - and totally above and beyond what I was expecting from Janet - like seriously I got her a scarf and a jumper that didn't fit her *another eyeroll.

I've just ran out of the conditioner - does that happen to everyone? Like seriously, My shampoo always outlives my conditioner and it really bugs me - is there just no order in this life?!

After the first use, I'll be honest (obviously), I was a bit scared - the shampoo didn't lather, I had to use loads, the conditioner didn't make my hair dreamy and silky smooth like I imagined - could it be that I had found an Aesop product that I hated?!

I persevered, determined that my favourite brand would pull through. Man am I glad I did: after the 3rd or 4th wash - it's like my hair adjusted to the formula, the lather was super foamy, my fingers began to slide through my strands with the conditioner and my hair felt thicker - though that could have totally been a placebo effect.

I fell in love.


So, as well as now paying attention to how my products are made, making sure they're totally cruelty-free, I've been doing a bit of research about WHAT I put in my hair. I've been looking at what chemicals shampoos and conditioners use and why they're there.

I decided that I'm now totally against using Sulphate's, Silicone's and Paraben's in my beauty favourites. Part of me was sure that Aesop would follow this rule too - I mean, they're already into cruelty free, they're already big on sustainability and they're already big on quality ingredients - why wouldn't they be rocking a natural formula?

Alas, my heart sank when I read the ingredients list on my new (now ran out) shampoo and conditioner. It was not to be.

So now, despite my two year long love affair with the brand, it's time now to break up. It's not them, it's me. It's my choice, we just want different things from our hair care. 

Is it something you've considered? Going Au Naturele in your beauty regime? Let me know!


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