So, I know we're fully in the swing of January and 2018, but I've had these snaps arrive from photobox and looking at pieces of my past has got me in quite the reflective mood.

How great are these?! I love my room. When I first set out designing it, it wasn't supposed to look the way it does now - but I do like the way it's ended up. It's the perfect place for me to go home, reflect on my day and just chill out away from anyone else.

That's something I really do need. As you can probably gather from this post, my job is pretty high pressure. Match that with an introverted personality and I really do need that time alone where I can just replenish and restore.

That said, even though I love my room it can often run the risk of looking a little 'show-home'-esque. It can be a little too pristine - I felt like I needed something that personalised it.

So I thought what's more personal than pictures?! Obviously I already have a few frames in my room, but this just goes that step further (and it's totally Pinterest worthy).

Like I said, these little snaps in time made me a bit reflective so I thought I'd just take a moment to reflect on 2017; how I've changed and grown or whether I'd kept those bloody resolutions (hint: I haven't)

I started my New Year alone in my parents house, of course I'd been invited to parties that night (duh, popular a la me - joke) but I JUST. COULDN'T. BE. ASSED. and actually, d'ya know what? I think that's okay. Maybe I'm a bit of a party scrooge but I felt really forced to go out and have a good time, when actually, all I wanted to do was just sit in, with a brew and watch hours of Netflix.

The irony is kinda funny actually, just this last week I've vowed to ditch the 'party girl' antics. I'm over staying out 'til all hours, fighting through that awful burning pain on the balls of my feet or getting blind drunk and wasting a weekend - they're too precious now that I'm working full time. 

I also started the year as a vegan, it was one of my new years resolutions - it didn't last. Already, all of my makeup is vegan and cruelty free, thats easy. I drink soy milk over regular milk, easy. AND I use dairy free butter, easy! It was meals with my family that brought me down - I did it alone, after 13 hour shifts and I guess I was lazy, or it was convenient just to eat what was already cooked for me when I arrived home. When I'm alone, I do make an active decision to choose animal free meals, and I'm reassured that every little helps. Maybe I can try again this time round.

In the new year, I was skint! I'd just returned home from three weeks in Asia with my best friend - and we did not do it on the cheap! I begged and borrowed so much money from my family and the bank that I had to spend almost the entire year making up for it. I vowed that it wouldn't happen again, and so finally I'm just about into the black. I start the New Year now with a clean state!

Which brings me to my job. I knew when I started the year I would NOT be at That's Lancashire anymore. It's been great don't get me wrong; and I'd re-do it over and over if I had a second chance; but it never could have supported me financially. So, I start this new year with a new career: Radio Broadcast Journalist at Global. It could be worse... they're only the largest radio company in the UK right now *squeals* and..erm, I'm only, ya know, AWARD WINNING. I'm excited to see how this chapter in my career unfolds.

This year has also been the first year without my oldest friend. It's not something I like to dwell on, but it's certainly something that has forced me to grow. Losing someone can be a huge kick up the arse for your confidence. I don't think I've ever been more at peace with myself; I don't second guess or depend on anyone else. It's odd, I always thought boys were the things that held you back, but in this case, it seems, it's stifling friendships.

I don't want to jinx it, but everything last year seemingly turned out great. 2017 has been so good to me. I'm almost financially stable, I love my new job, my wonderful boyfriend and my beautiful friends.

Of course, I have things to work towards, like this blog for instance, my personal fitness and becoming a vegan. I'm just so thankful for everything that seems to be coming my way, and if every week is like this one, then I think I'm on for an incredible 2018.


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